Frontis have considerable experience in developing Enterprise Architecture Frameworks which are tailored for the requirements of the client. It is not desirable to use a Framework ‘out of the box’. An architecture is designed to solve a problem, and consequently needs to be created specifically for that job or adapted from one of the common frameworks. You should do this before you even install your EA tool. Many organisations have Enterprise Architectures which serve little or no purpose and do not represent a good return on the investment which has been put into them.

We can work with many of the popular EA Frameworks such as TOGAF, MODAF and NAF, and can configure EA tools including MooD, Mega, Enterprise Architect and Rhapsody.

A popular product are MDG Technology plugins for Sparx Enterprise Architect including Views and JavaScript created outputs to Word, Excel or HTML. We can create views which communicate to your stakeholders and hide the complexities of the native UML.